Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mixed Berries

I love all kinds of berries. They are just to fun to eat and each has a distinct flavor. In an attempt to keep up with Smoothie Breakfast Mornings I wanted to make a berry smoothie this time.

I was all set to make this Berry- Banana Smoothie, freezing the banana and 6 strawberries the night before. One mistake I made late in the night was to forget to take off the banana peel and green tops off the strawberries before freezing them. Needless to say (and I'm a lil embarrassed), it was just not possible to peel the banana and get the strawberries into peices this morning.

Oh well, at least I had another idea!!

1/2 fresh (not frozen) banana

1 cup of greek yogurt, plain flavor
2 handfuls of frozen mixed berries (from a package of cranberries, raspberries, red and black currants, strawberries, gooseberries, etc.).

Blend all this together and voila! A frozen ice creamy smoothie consistency. Sweet, creamy, a little tart and sour but SO good! I saved the extra for a nice treat later!

I enjoyed it in a nice short glass with a spoon in a warm room. Winter here in Israel can be brutal with constant winds and occasional downpours making it bone-chilling-ly cold.

Evan and I have been living here in Israel for 1 year already. What a year it has been, so many people have come and gone, while a good group of constant companions remains. 

This winter already has brought a large amount (by Israel standards) of rain and a nice snow storm. Speaking of rain, check out this great article from iGoogledIsrael:  "Thanks to all that rain over the last few days, the level of the Dead Sea (as well as the Sea of Galilee) has risen by some 10cm - the biggest rise in over 10 years!"  -  Floating in the Dead Sea  
Yessss - now there's even more water to float in! 

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